Learning Portfolio: Online Interactions

Ensuring appropriate online interactions is something I already do, but I am a strong believer in ongoing improvement. And…writing is an area I can always improve in. There are lots of resources out there on wording criticism and it is more than focusing on ideas vs. people. If I am going to get my course …

OLTC 201 Integration

In general, this course focused more on topics related to asynchronous learning and the concepts of social presence and specific instructor strategies were the two concepts that most caught my thoughts related to improving engagement and retention. I think it is easy to rationalize implementing additional facilitation strategies and I think improving student engagement is …

Video Introduction

The task for this post was to create a video introduction or tutorial commentary that could be used for multiple courses. I think a video introduction is a great idea for an online learning course as it gives the students a chance to learn more about the course in a different sort of way and …

Learning Portfolio: Ongoing Interaction

One challenge with asynchronous learning is that with students learning at their own pace it can be a challenge to maintain ongoing social interaction, especially with students that go long periods between course activities. This strategy is about ways to improve ongoing social interaction. First, I will add to my welcome email how I will …

Learning Portfolio: Technical Assistance and Resources

In this episode of Learning Portfolio: providing technical assistance and resources to students. My course is already designed and includes clear tutorials for assignments and marking guides available for students and therefore, it is a bit of a challenge to find new strategies to employ in my online teaching. I provide technical advice one on …

Learning Portfolio Introductions

These series of posts are on strategies for online learning. The first is a combination of something I already do and a new one. I like sending welcome emails to students that introduce myself and give an overview of the course and some key things students will want to start by checking out. However, I …

Enhancing Social Presence

My first task in this post is to examine how my previous post should have enhanced social presence in my online course and how to improve upon that. A bio that shares information can help with social presence as it is a way to project your personality into the online environment and be seen as …

OTL201 Bio Post

Hi, I live in Kamloops, BC though I’m from the east coast and have lived in 4 Canadian provinces so far in my life. I love camping, running, skiing, and mountain biking. During COVID I’ve added one more that my two kids have been really into – skateboarding. The image depicts one of the things …