OTL201 Bio Post

Hi, I live in Kamloops, BC though I’m from the east coast and have lived in 4 Canadian provinces so far in my life. I love camping, running, skiing, and mountain biking. During COVID I’ve added one more that my two kids have been really into – skateboarding. The image depicts one of the things I’ve listed and one I haven’t.

I created an audio file to finish up this first attempt at a multi-media blog post but am unable to directly upload it into wordpress so I’ll have to finish it via text: I also like to read and learn new things and I’ve been working away at learning guitar and a new language over the past couple of years.

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  1. Thanks for the introduction. What did you try in the way of uploading? What sort of problems did you encounter? I am not asking because I am an expert in the process, but because I might face similar problems myself in the days ahead and maybe a solution can be found that would help us all.
    While I’m on the subject of problems to address, do you have any idea why the X in lower case (x) displays as an open quote– ” — in this WordPress environment? I have tried both Firefox and Chrome browsers, where I have the problem (on my MacAir), but on Safari, the eks (lower-case X) displays correctly.

    1. Hi, perhaps for security reasons you can not upload an audio file directly into the trubox sites, or at least I could not. You could post on utube or another forum and include the link though I was not sure how I felt about having it on utube. I am not sure about the other issue, my current computer is a PC and I have not noticed that problem.

      1. Have you tried setting your online file to “unpublished?” In YouTube, this is the middle setting between “public” (open to all views) and “private” (open only to listed accounts). The “unlisted” setting allows those who are given the YouTube link access to the video (so, for example, if you post the link on your blog, users could access the media, but your media would not be found by other search processes (engines, etc.).
        Was your audio file produced using Audacity? If not, was it made with a memo recorder on a smart phone? Did you contact the helpful people at TRU regarding this?
        I have way too many questions and way too few answers; sorry!

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