Post 5: Integration

It is time to say goodbye to the course OTL101 and reflect on what I have learned and to showcase one of my previous posts.

First, I have chosen to showcase my last post, #4 on feedback as I think feedback is important, which the article by Hattie also emphasized. As well, that post really got me thinking about ways that I could improve my feedback and feedback is one of the main ways I interact with students.

Important Ideas:

Related to my showcase post, one of the most important ideas explored during this course is that of feedback. Well many of the ideas in this course were interesting, I was also drawn to the ideas on alignment of learning outcomes and assessments.

Remaining Questions:

My remaining questions are not well defined, but there are several aspects of the feedback topic that I would like to dive deeper into and improve the feedback I give to students. There are numerous resources available on this topic that I can refer to and spend time analyzing how to incorporate aspects into my own work.


One goal is to review additional resources on improving feedback and incorporate 2-3 new ideas into my practice over the next 6 months.

My second goal is to review additional resources on cognitive presence that give more examples of how this model is used in online learning environments and determine if there are aspects of this model I can apply over the next year.

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