Post 6: Reflection

The time has come to reflect on this course and finish my blog.

I generally enjoyed the focus on teaching practice and bringing everything together from all three courses. The most important lessons I learned were around facilitation principles, many of which I already applied but would like to improve on.

Overall, the course has made me think more critically about the course I teach and all of my possible interactions with students. Some specific strategies that I found effective include:

  • examining blog posts comments and how to encourage discussion
  • examining wording in feedback; and
  • all they way at the beginning to how I introduce myself to my students at the outset.

I was already familiar with WordPress and find it an effective platform for blogs and so it didn’t really influence my interaction with the content.

One strategy I’m going to work on incorporating in addition to the specific strategies above is more of a general focus on the thinking about how my interactions with students move them through all the stages of critical inquiry. I’d also like to work on some of the facilitation principles perhaps starting with improving the introduction I do at the beginning of my course.


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