Learning Portfolio: Ongoing Interaction

One challenge with asynchronous learning is that with students learning at their own pace it can be a challenge to maintain ongoing social interaction, especially with students that go long periods between course activities. This strategy is about ways to improve ongoing social interaction. First, I will add to my welcome email how I will …

Learning Portfolio: Technical Assistance and Resources

In this episode of Learning Portfolio: providing technical assistance and resources to students. My course is already designed and includes clear tutorials for assignments and marking guides available for students and therefore, it is a bit of a challenge to find new strategies to employ in my online teaching. I provide technical advice one on …

Learning Portfolio Introductions

These series of posts are on strategies for online learning. The first is a combination of something I already do and a new one. I like sending welcome emails to students that introduce myself and give an overview of the course and some key things students will want to start by checking out. However, I …