OTL 301: Current Practice

In my first post for this course I described a teaching practice related to interacting with students at the beginning of the field research portion of the course. Reading the information on ‘teaching presence’ has not really changed my view of my teaching practice. I think my example is inline with the discussions on teaching …

Enhancing Social Presence

My first task in this post is to examine how my previous post should have enhanced social presence in my online course and how to improve upon that. A bio that shares information can help with social presence as it is a way to project your personality into the online environment and be seen as …

Considering Cognitive Presence

The course has begun to explore the community of inquiry model in which cognitive presence is one of three overlapping concepts in the model. I was not previously aware of this model of learning and I suppose that is a learning in itself! In Post 1, I considered student engagement to be important and wondered …